Friday, September 16, 2011

Mates of State

The past couple days I've been catching up on some albums. While doing so, there was one track that completely floored me. It stopped my entire process and forced me to put it on repeat. That track is Mates of State's "Palomino". Something about the song sounds so familiar but I just can't place it. It has the feel of a great song in a commercial but I can't find anything for it.

Just in case you aren't familiar with Mates of State, this is their 7th album release and they are a husband and wife duo. You can find this track on their recently released album Mountaintops. In fact, I could probably picture this song being played as someone reaches the apex of a mountain or metaphorically as a high point in someone's life (hopefully that isn't too cliche). I have a strong inclination that hearing this one song will strongly urge you to buy Mountaintops, because I can't recommend it high enough (or maybe I should have inserted another "Mountaintop" pun there instead).

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