Monday, April 4, 2011

Volume 82: Stripmall Architecture

As I've discussed multiple times on here, some band names are just so out there. I was playing "Lemoncholic" over the weekend and a friend asked who it was. When I told him the name of the band he just kind of stared at me as if I were lying or made it up. My first thought was the scene at the end of The Sandlot where they talk about what everyone became in life and the two brother's ended up designing strip malls for a living.

Anyways, this song is pretty fantastic and has a great feel to it. The vocals, by Rebecca, are also very Kate Earl/Kate Nash so to say they are good would be an understatement. The band's first LP was funded through and has been split into two parts with different release dates and will later be put into one complete vinyl. Until the rest of the LP is released, this should wet the appetite just enough to have you anticipating its release.

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