Sleigh Bells have been described to me as "loud noises". As much as I want to think of the obvious reference to Anchorman, I tend to refer back to when my parents heard me listening to Korn (can't do a backwards R on here, at least I don't think so I apologize) in middle school. Yes, I used to listen to them, way back in the day. Anyways, my parents would just tell me how it sounds like loud noises and not much else.
It's not really fair to call any music "loud noises" because at some point someone put some kind of work into it to make it, so it at least deserves something better than that. Sleigh Bells are so much more than just their loud nature. They have great rhythms and great riffs that are good letting go to (such as this one in "Riot Rhythm"). Because as someone once said, "We all go a little crazy sometimes." So you need a song or two to just let loose to and Sleigh Bells do precisely that.
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